Sunday, February 04, 2007

SERE (Part II)

So the second part of SERE is the Resistance Training. That basically means that they train you how to deal with being captured, interrogated, and held as a prisoner. This four days of training sucked. Well actually the training program itself was very well run, that's why it sucked. Most of what happened is classified so all I will say is that it was very realistic and very unpleasant. Many people come out of that experience emotionally disturbed; I came through alright even though I was certainly demoralized at times. It's hard to imagine the sorts of things that human beings are capable of doing to each other. It was unforgettable to see the American flag when I finished, and to have a small idea what some POWs have been through for our country; and the fact that those in the military put their own freedom on the line to secure it for the rest.
Here's something I was thinking about and wrote in my journal when I finished: I love so much the last part of Romans 8. What can men do to us who belong to the God of the Universe; other than make us uncomfortable? The enemy can accuse us of the most heinous war crime - it is God who justifies. They can convict us of anything - it is Christ who condemns. They can separate us from everything and everyone we know - we cannot be separated from Christ's love. They can confine us to the tiniest of cells - God cannot be confined. They can strip us of all dignity - that which is in us cannot be taken away. Believing this is the heart of true FREEDOM.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen my son


10:08 PM  

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