Thursday, February 15, 2007

Life on the Road

Well, I've set off on my trip across the country to my new duty station in Klamath Falls, Oregon. I don't have to be there for a couple of weeks so I am taking my time, checking out interesting sights and people, and pursuing new adventures. Right now I'm in Wichita, Kansas. A couple of nights ago I stayed with some of my awesome family in Birmingham, AL and last night I caught some blues on Beale St. in Memphis. I wouldn't say no to a few prayers that the Jeep would make the trip safely as it has given some startling lurches and all the dashboard gauges died again (I try to just pace myself with other cars that hopefully are going somewhat near the speed limit).

There is probably no environment more conducive to good solid introspection than a long straight highway, a gray overcast sky and a CD player that doesn't work. I am often caught up in the wonder that all these people I'm passing have their own separate and compelling lives going on that are just as rich as mine. The woman on her cellphone dodging bridge impediments just closed the deal of the year and now it's time to hustle a child off to dinner and homework. The guy driving the Nissan like he's Dale Earnhardt (the first one) is speeding home to the woman he loves and their children. Not to even mention the myriads who aren't even on the road right now. Their dramas continue to unfold having barely brushed against mine and the soft yellow of my headlights continues its unending pursuit of the elusive white line.


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