Monday, November 21, 2005


Well last week Uncle Sam gave me the keys and I took my own $5M jet out for a spin. After my first solo flight the guys threw me in the dunk tank and we had a blast with all the cool traditions. It felt really good to take a jet up by myself and bring it back safe and sound. Last friday I took one out to the Military Operating Area and did all kinds of aerobatics and cool stuff by myself. After forty minutes (half of which was spent upside down) my arm was getting pretty tired from pulling the stick back during all the G's (5 or so). I had a Master Warning tone go off at one point but I handled it, ran the checklist, and fixed the problem (nothing big).
I did have my first checkride last week also, and it went really well which is good for my overall score and that stuff. But the basic fact is that I wake up and I look forward to "going to work."