Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The music of the night

I just had my whole post erased so this one will be shorter cause it's really hot in here.
I really love the jungle though, it is an amazing place just brimming with life! It was like being there on the dawn of creation, for it was all brand new to me, every flower, tree, animal, sight, and sound. I felt like Adam on the day of naming as new thing after new thing was presented to me.
I hiked in a few hours down some overgrown and hard to follow trails and spent the night alone in a hide overlooking a clearing. I didn't see any animals, but I sure heard them! At sunset and sunrise they all come together to create this incredible discordant yet perfect symphony that was fascinating to listen to. In the morning I walked ten minutes to the river and took a bath and washed my clothes. I also stopped at an interesting cave and came across hundreds of bats a foot over my head and they swarmed all around me.
Now it's off to Singapore on a night train and I fly to Austrailia tomorrow night. Trivia question: what language do they speak in Singapore? And actually, if anyone can find out how to say, "hello" and "thank you" I would appreciate it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

John, its halarious to be reading your accounts as I answer the senate phone. granting I get a waiver, I hope to be in Army OCS by june. here's to dreams. Jeremy

5:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mon ami- I'm enjoying so much this trip through your reports...I wouldn't be doing and eating what you are for ANYTHING!! In Singapore they speak a variety of Malay. They are often bi and tri lingual so they've developed a fractured English called Singlish. I found only one site that translates into Malay and it said there is no word for thanks, thank you, food or hello! I even tried French into Malay- same result! "Hotel" is "hotel" and "eat" is "makan." In Singlish, "white person" is "ang mo." So Ang Mo, hope you have a great time makaning with your new friends in Singapore! love, Cary

10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


According to my vast Singapore experience (two books and 4 movies), English should be acceptable in all tourist areas. I assume you will not be sleeping in back alleys and bat caves for this brief tour of a former Crown Colony.
Sorry you lost your post. I am so greatful for any and all blogs. On you go. One paradise (creation jungle) to the next (shark frenzie).
Sarah, you're right. I'm more than a bit strange and you love it. By the bye, it took you guys 2-3 years to get potty trained.

Remember 3 things

10:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Cary has reported, Malay is the the official language of Singapore.

Thank you is "terima kasih"
Hello is "selamat pagi"
Pronunciation is "up to you"

Continue in His service,

Buena Suerte!
Tu hermano

1:07 AM  
Blogger Xan Hood said...

Jonathan. You are my hero. Thank you for being more of a man, than all the men i know. keep charting through the wilderness, in your pursuit of God. if you can't find him there, maybe you can discover another country. either way you will be rich. and i will be blessed to see it unfold. hope that little nap sack you took with you included your filed down sword. consider the next post from the narrative of the only pants you have with you... i am interested on its experience has been so far.

1:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah and Paul are in midterms.
Maverick is enjoying the snow - it tastes good.
I am leading the church retreat this weekend - please pray for us.
Be sure to wash your apples - and your hands - and your clothes (NOT in a stream!) And take care of you!
Much, much love,

10:55 AM  

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